Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In case you forget:

"I like when you touch my shoulders like that. It makes me feel strong."
"I love you--"
"You love Utah. That's cool."
"Something like honey--"
"Yeah, like sweetie--"
"Like, baby."
"Too far away, Jessi."
"Having all of your clothes on sucks."
"I wish Sperber were here."
"When I say things like, 'sternum' I think, 'who cares?'"
"I don't want you to ever regret any night you spend with me."
"Where's Aaron Brodersen when you need him?"
"I kind of missed you."
"I don't know who's creepier:
Me for having hairy legs, or you for liking them. I think it's you."

1 comment:

Penny for your thoughts?